Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Birthday Presents!

As promised, today I'm going to show off my birthday presents!  Dark Puss requested that I show you all my non-bookish presents alongside my more literary gifts... here's the whole kid and kaboodle.

These can mostly explain themselves, but I want to draw your attention to a few awesome items.  Firstly, check out the iron(y) T-shirt.  How cool?  (Well, not especially cool, but very me.)  And the Scrabble mug.  And the Fiendish word game (the family Thomas had fun with that.) 

A few of the items may need a bit of explaining to some - the cellophaned pack at the back is a walking survival kit, given by Our Vicar's Wife after she was horrified at tales of Col and I climbing Snowdon unprepared... The 'What's Occurrin'?' T-shirt and 'Oh, Doris, Where's The Salad?' mug (complete with tea that I was drinking while I prepared the shot) are references to the excellent TV show Gavin & Stacey - if you haven't seen it, do.

The DVDs almost explain themselves - two are 80s 'classics' that my friend believes I should watch... Miranda and Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day are tried and true gems.

Before I go on to the books bit - huge thanks to Mum, Dad, Colin, Lorna, Mel, Debs, Cath, Sarah, Paul, Dave, Ellie, Phoebe, Verity, Clare, Helen, Adrian, and Margaret for these lovely gifts!

Onto books!  This is Stuck-in-a-Book, after all.

The Library at Night by Alberto Manguel - this, from my bro, is the only book I openly *asked* for - can't wait to start dipping into this one.

Return to the Hundred Acre Wood by David Benedictus - Verity spotted this on my Amazon wishlist, had a copy, and very kindly gave it to me!

Moominpappa at Sea by Tove Jansson - I was so touched to receive this from Margaret S, a reader of this blog, who knew that I wanted to try Tove's children's books.

Excellent Women by Barbara Pym - and in one of the beautiful new Virago editions!

How The Heather Looks: A Joyous Journey to the British Source of Children's Books by Joan Bodger - chosen by a friend who knows me well!  Does what it says on the tin, I suspect...

Bluestockings by Jane Robinson - a friend from university posted this down from Scotland - I'm clearly not shy about letting my literary tastes be known, and it is all to the good!

The Second Puffin Quiz Book - from a member of my pub quiz team, obviously hoping I'll swot up a bit(!)

The Great British Bake-Off Book - couldn't want this more!  It's gorgeous, and will extend my repetoire of cakes etc.

The Complete Miss Marple Short Stories by Agatha Christie - isn't this Folio edition absolutely gorgeous?  I had admired it online somewhere, and so was delighted by it.

Aren't I a lucky boy with my gifts??

On an entirely unrelated note - a few of you asked about Mary Essex, after my first lines game the other day - I will get onto replying, and indeed, to that end, have started reading one of her books!