Thursday, February 16, 2012

Elizabeth Taylor is coming to Stuck-in-a-Book...

A little early, since the conversation about Palladian is in full swing over at Rachel's, but I thought I'd let you know that the Elizabeth Taylor Centenary celebrations are coming over to mine for March.  Laura has organised monthly readalongs at different blogs (more info here) and I believe there is still opportunity to sign up to host a month.

Anyway, March's book is A View of the Harbour (1947), and I'd love you all to join in.  I'm planning on posting my own thoughts about A View of the Harbour, and opening up a discussion, somewhere towards the end of March (provisionally Monday 26th March) in order to give everyone time to read the book earlier in the month.  But, fear not, I will be reminding you before that!

Lovely.  Hope you'll join in with one or two Elizabeth Taylor reads this year - I've missed January and February, oops, but I'm hoping to jump on board with other titles throughout 2012.