Monday, March 12, 2012

My Life in Books: Round-up!

Well, I hope you enjoyed that, I certainly did.  Don't forget to go back and comment on the posts this week (I always get overly protective when I feature other people!)  - and I'd love to know which recommended book you're now most keen to read?

I thought I'd link to all thirty (thirty!) of the bloggers and blog-readers who have participated in My Life in Books in Series One and Series Two.  This is set up so that clicking on the person's name takes you to their blog (if they have one) and clicking on the 'Life in Books' bit takes you to the post where they were featured.

Tomorrow, back to normal - which I hope won't be anti-climactic!  Coming up there will be a re-read that was much better the second time around, a brilliant sequel, and a book I really wish I hadn't read.  Intriguing, no?

Series One

Karen and Susan's Life in Books
Lyn and Our Vicar's Wife/Anne's Life in Books
Lisa and Victoria's Life in Books
Darlene and Our Vicar/Peter's Life in Books
Annabel  and Thomas's Life in Books
David and Elaine's Life in Books
Harriet and Nancy's  Life in Books

Series Two

Rachel and Teresa's Life in Books
Claire and Colin's Life in Books
Hayley and Karyn's Life in Books
Jenny and Kim's Life in Books 
Danielle and Sakura's Life in Books
Claire B and Nymeth/Ana's Life in Books
Gav and Polly's Life in Books
Eva and Simon S's Life in Books