Friday, May 4, 2012

Stuck-in-a-Book's Weekend Miscellany


Happy weekend, one and all.  I'm enjoying being down in Somerset, with beautiful Sherpa (oh, and Mum and Dad, of course) - and sometimes the internet stretches its reach as far as my bedroom.  Fingers crossed that I can get through writing this post without it crashing.

1.) The book - doesn't appear to be out yet (although they're saying early May on the website): it's a reprint of Richmal Crompton's wonderful novel Matty and the Dearingroydes, being brought out by Greyladies Books (who reprinted Leadon Hill a while ago.)  No cover image yet, but this is a wonderful novel with one of those eccentric, joyful, outgoing heroines whom I cherish.  I wrote a review of it in 2010, which you can read here - I'm glad there will soon be copies available easily!

2.) The blog - is a new one, called A Musical Feast.  Samantha emailed me and mentioned that she'd started up a blog, and I'm always delighted to see new faces in the blogosphere.  Go along and say hello!  Yes, the blog title sounds musical, and that is one of Samantha's interests - but the literary side is there, in the pun on Hemingway's A Moveable Feast.  Incidentally, Chris told me I must read Hemingway's novel a while ago.  I hadn't even heard of it, although I knew the quotation from the Book of Common Prayer.  I digress...

3.) The link - isn't remotely highbrow, but it'll give you a laugh, especially if you like puns... and American celebrities... but mostly puns.  Enjoy.