Friday, July 13, 2012

Chatsworth: the photos!

It's felt like quite a long week, and my energy levels are about up to posting a whole bunch of photos... so here are some snaps from my day at Chatsworth!  The weather wasn't great, but the company was, and the house and gardens are beautiful.  I didn't spend all that much time in the garden, but last time I went I spent more time in the garden than the house, so it evened out nicely (and this time Colin wasn't waiting in the car park!)  So... photo post ahoy!

This was the carriage they used at the
Coronation, I think -
included a great metal horse...

There is plenty of slightly unusual sculpture around -
this was probably my favourite bit.
Note the gilded balcony!

The order of service for the Coronation!

A whole Coronation room!  I was in Heaven.

Here we all are, standing looking regal on a staircase.
(l-r: me, June, Carol, Barbara - who has a blog)

Even on a gloomy day, not a bad view to have, eh?

For those who watched the BBC series, here's a close-up of the gilding...
I also saw the Head Tour Guide (whose story was in ep.1) walk past me.

A rather striking room - but, wait, what is that behind the door?

My dark, blurry photo doesn't really show it  -
but this is the most amazing piece of
trompe-l'oeil I have ever seen

My favourite part of a rather over-decorated house was this
beautiful wallpaper.  It might be a little overpowering 
if one had less capacious rooms, though...

The library!  It was actually very cosy.

Library Part 2.
Claire - how does this do on Library Lust?

Not, as June (I think) whispered, for a TV dinner...

The most wonderful baked cheesecake, which I ate in the cafe.

Into the garden - the spraying willow.

The gardens are a great mix of formal and unusual
- and I love steps anywhere.

From the highest point, looking across...

Just one of many separate sections, all with different characters

The house which supposedly made Elizabeth love Darcy(!)

Can't say I was wholly enamoured with the art in the grounds... 

No escape!  While waiting for my train at Chesterfield,
I saw that the Duke of Devonshire had donated
various pictures to the train station.