Monday, July 2, 2012

Half a Century of Books

I had a lovely break in Somerset, and was surprised by how well my little sale went - I'll head off to the post office tomorrow, laden with parcels.  I'll see how many books I cull later in the year, and might well bring it back again.

But onto today's post... We are now in the second half of the year, and I am continuing my quarterly look at how A Century of Books is going. Here was the first quarter's, where I was on exactly 25 that qualified.  My sidebar at the moment announces that I've done 44 of my 100, but there are a further six which I've yet to review, so... once more, I am precisely on target!  50 books read for A Century of Books; 50 to go.  (I have actually read nearer 70 books this year, but the others have been pre- or post- 20th century, or overlapped on my list.)

Links to all the reviewed books are here.  And here's how I'm doing, by decade...

1900s: 3
1910s: 1
1920s: 8
1930s: 6
1940s: 8
1950s: 5
1960s: 3
1970s: 5
1980s: 6
1990s: 5

Still a noticeable slump at the beginning of the century, but surprisingly high numbers at the end of it...

If you're reading along with A Century of Books, or any similar project - how is yours going?