Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bent Objects - Terry Border

I don't think I've ever mentioned a funny little book I once bought for my housemate, and which I flicked through the other day with renewed amusement - it's Bent Objects by Terry Border.  Border has his own blog here, and is rather ingenious - he takes everyday objects, often food, and uses wire etc. to make them seem animate.  He doesn't actually animate them, but does give them life - through seemingly simple construction and brilliant placement.  I love him.  What reminded me of the book was the ereader/book debate, and this image:

 Here's another of my favourites:

It's a great silly book, and there are a few others in the series, I believe.  It's not the right time of year to mention stocking fillers, but... oh well, any time of year is good for a laugh, isn't it?