Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Reading Projects 2012

A Century of Books, and my regular blogging, has hit rather an obstacle - in the form of doorstopper The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.  I'm not going to be finished any time soon, and a lovely New Year's Cold is putting paid to late nights. 

So I'm handing over to you to do my job for me today (ta!) - what are your reading projects for 2012? 

They might be group challenges, or tasks you've set in stone for yourself, or they might be vaguer hopes for your reading this year.  Perhaps you want to read more non-fiction, or older books, or... well, you fill in the gap!

As for me, alongside/within A Century of Books, I'm hoping to read more literature in translation, and more poetry.  Since I've read two or three books of poetry in the past five years, reading more shouldn't be difficult...

Is there any single book you're determined to read by the end of 2012?  For me, if I don't finish Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, lent to me by Colin years ago, I'll be pretty disappointed... I'm about 600 pages in.  And I started it nearly two years ago.