Friday, September 28, 2012

Stuck-in-a-Book's Weekend Miscellany

I'm at work this Saturday (boo!) but a friend is coming over to watch I Capture the Castle in the evening (hurray!) so it's not all bad.  Plus word got round at church that I like baking, so I got an 11pm text asking me if I'd make something for the Sunday service - will do, check.  Better than being asked to lift things or (the horrors) kids' work (kids work?), which I have managed always to avoid.  Anyway... here's your weekly miscellany, tuck in!

1.) The link - Adam and Chloe got in touch, and told me about The Willoughby Book Club.  It looks like a great idea - here's what they had to say:
A little about us… we offer our customers a personalised book club gift service for a range of ages and interests. In short, they choose from our range of book club packages (Babies, kids, adult fiction, non-fiction, cookery etc), tell us a little about the person they’re buying for, and we’ll then send out a brand new book once a month with a personalised message with their first delivery.
Maybe drop hints with your nearest and dearest...

2.) The blog post - is Lisa May / TBR 313's take on Jerome K. Jerome's Three Men on the Bummel - partly because it's a book I've been intending to read for ages, and partly because I've neglected her wonderful blog up til now, and I'm discovering all the delights that are there!

3.) The books - came from lovely Slightly Foxed, as a delightful surprise in the post.  Their beautiful Slightly Foxed Editions are gorgeous hardback reprints of memoirs.  Some of the most popular ones, now sold out (as they only print 2000 of each title) are available now as paperbacks - and they have sent me Blue Remembered Hills by Rosemary Sutcliff and Adrian Bell's Corduroy, which Karyn was recommending only the other day.  Can't wait to get onto these, as the other SF editions I've read have all been utterly wonderful!  (And now the collector in me wants them aaallllll...)