Saturday, September 15, 2012

What I'm Reading; or, How Googling It Quickly Led To The Most Surreal Website Ever

I'm currently reading Diana Tutton's Guard Your Daughters, recommended years ago by my friend Curzon, and which I will be enthusing about more than you can imagine.  I'll be hunting you down and making sure you read it if you have any affection for I Capture the Castle.  But I couldn't resist posting a link... I googled Guard Your Daughters and not many people have written about it, but it does feature in a photo blog called 2 bison, where the photographer takes photos of everyday objects and two small bison... see here, and marvel.  (And make sure you click on '2 bison' at the top of that page, to see what else has been given the same treatment.)

(Oh, and have you read Guard Your Daughters?)