Sunday, September 30, 2012

Three-Quarters of a Century of Books


Time for the third and final update on how A Century of Books is going!  Final update, that is, because in three months' time it'll all be over...

It is impressive - and unintentional - that at each juncture I have been exactly on target.  After three months I was on 25 books, after six months I was on 50 books, and now - at the nine month mark - I have read 75 titles for A Century of Books (including five which have yet to be reviewed.)   I've actually read 107 books so far this year, which leaves rather more duplicates and non-20th-century books than I was anticipating.

As before, here is how I'm doing, decade-by-decade...

1900s: 6
1910s: 6
1920s: 9
1930s: 9
1940s: 8
1950s: 8
1960s: 6
1970s: 8
1980s: 8
1990s: 7

No decade completely finished yet, but none suffering too much neglect either...

For a list of all the links up so far, click here.  More importantly - if you're doing A Century of Books, are some variant thereof, how's it going for you?

See you at the end of the year for the final count!  I'm feeling optimistic that I can do this...