Friday, September 7, 2012

Stuck-in-a-Book's Weekend Miscellany

After a lovely time away - cue obligatory photo of Sherpa:

- where was I?  After a lovely time away, I am back in Oxford, and will be spending my weekend baking and reading.  Perfection!  But I shall leave you with some top-notch miscellaneous things today.

1.) The link - is a hilariously brilliant video from The Flight of the Conchords.  They've written a charity song, with the help of some children in choosing the lyrics... don't forget to click through to Youtube and donate to the cause.  Or you can donate here. (The beginning might not make sense if you've not familiar with the excellent TV series, but give it a minute and you'll be fine.)

2.) The blog post - was an easy choice this week.  Darlene and I had a 'reading smack down' (her words) - a race for Darlene to read something by my beloved Ivy Compton-Burnett, and me to read my second Elizabeth Bowen novel (having not loved my first) since Darlene adores Bowen.  Well, before I'd even pulled The House in Paris off the shelf, Darlene had read Manservant and Maidservant - and liked it!  Read her great review here, and congratulate her on her smack down victory.  It smarts.

3.) The book - I spotted that Erica Brown's book on Elizabeth von Arnim and Elizabeth Taylor, Comedy and the Feminine Middlebrow Novel, is out in December.  At £60 it's probably not on for many private libraries, but if you hold any sway at your local academic library, then get a word in now!  More here.